
i'll have to remember...

 Sometimes the feeling of loneliness and sadness can become overwhelming when I think of the old life I've so recently left behind. On Friday, I was riding the train back from a fair in Hillsboro, OR when it suddenly hit me. I officially miss going to work and playing with all the crazy, sweet, hilarious kids! At first I was thinking that it would be such a welcome change... not having to go to work and take care of what felt like hundreds of kids when there were really only about 45! I could have more time to work on all of my projects. More time to explore my new life...
On the train, I sat behind a group of three brothers who were also riding home from the fair. They were speaking Spanish and recounting all the cool things they did and saw while eating bags of Takis. They were excited and tired at the same time. Their interaction reminded me so much of all the times I've been on a bus full of kids riding home from a field trip...All tired, excited, telling bad jokes in Spanish because that's the way they learned them (most likely from their parents), eating bags of Takis. 
I'll just have to remember, Bloom Where You Are Planted. I'll have to remember that I will discover new adventures now, find the new places in which I will feel comfortable, create new relationships and memories while always treasuring the old ones.